Artwork Medium

The Medium for your Artwork

Artwork Medium

The medium your artwork is created in has an impact on its longevity, the framing options,  the style of the artwork and lastly the price

Portrait in Oils

Oils are the most expensive option and take the longest.

They often require many translucent layers to create the desired look and each of these layers need to fully dry in between.

They also often need a whole area doing at once to be able to blend the paint, although it does stay wet for a day or so depending on the weather.

Portraits in Pastels

Pastels are mid price and give the best results for portraits. 

Its often hard to define the artwork as pastels come in different forms, pan pastels, pastel sticks and pastel pencils, but as they are used in a painterly way, I find myself wanting to call it a pastel painting.

They need to be framed behind glass not Perspex as the latter creates static which reacts with the pastel.

Portrait in Charcoal

Charcoal are the cheapest option mainly because they are the quickest to produce.

These are monochrome unless another medium is used as well, but can create some great images.

Unlike the other mediums the detail is created with a small rubber along with charcoal pencils.

Artwork created with charcoal needs to be framed behind glass

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